#ToolsofType1s - 029 - Taja Cato


Name: Taja Cato

Hometown: Los Angeles, CA

Date of Diagnosis: 7/11/1999

Tool: How to achieve sustainable weight loss with Type 1 Diabetes

Diabetes Devices/Treatment Methods: Dexcom G6 & Tandem T-Slim

This episode is sponsored by Companion Medical. If you are on multiple daily injections, but want the data and analytics pump users have available to them, then you need the In-Pen by Companion Medical. Learn more at Companion Medical’s website!

Episode 124 - Diabetics Doing YouTube and T1D with Andrew Slyfox

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Andrew Slyfox (@andrewslyfox on Instagram) joins the podcast in yet another live interview (noticing a trend here?) from Los Angeles California.

Andrew has been T1D for 21 years, and is the father of the Slyfox Family, whose adventures you can follow on their incredible family YouTube channel. Andrew’s story takes us from diagnosis, to meeting his wife Hannah and how he didn’t reveal he had T1D until after they were engaged!

We also talk about what it’s like to be a full-time YouTuber, and how comments from people on the internet can really affect us negatively if we let them. But we also talk about his new YouTube channel Andrew Slyfox, which has a much more prominent focus on Andrew’s life with T1D, and what inspired him to start sharing that part of his life.

Andrew and I also filmed a video for his vlog, which you can check out HERE!

Be sure to give him a shoutout on social media with your favorite sound bytes!

This episode is sponsored by Companion Medical. If you are on multiple daily injections, but want the data and analytics pump users have available to them, then you need the In-Pen by Companion Medical. Learn more at Companion Medical’s website!

Episode 123 - Diabetics Doing Podcasts and Parenting with Stacey Simms


Stacey Simms, (@staceysimms on Instagram) host of Diabetes Connections and mother to a T1D joins the show for an in-depth discussion on what’s it’s like as a parent to a T1D as well as how Diabetes affects the lives of Parents, especially in the early days.

We discuss how to take power back from Diabetes through laughter, and I dig deep into how I believe Diabetes makes you better at handling failure. From there, Stacey takes us through her “diagnosis journey” as a parent of a T1D. Believe it or not, even before she was a Diabetes Mom, Stacey had been involved with JDRF through her job.

Stacey is a frequent speaker on the JDRF Summit circuit, and she has turned her talk “The World’s Worst Diabetes Mom" into a book which launches November 1. You can pre-order the book at this link . Stacey gave me an advanced copy, and I really enjoyed the tactics and learnings that she shares. I’d highly recommend the book for parents of a T1D.

How do you like the parenting pods? I’m interested in digging into some conversations with non-T1D parents perspective.

Episode 122 - Diabetics Doing Stoicism Part 2 with Chris Ruden


Chris Ruden (@chrisruden on Instagram) returns to the podcast for his second interview from the floor of the AADE Conference in Houston. Even though we planned on covering other topics, Chris and I are who we are so we dive back into Stoic Philosophy as it relates to social media and external perceptions of success.

If you haven’t heard Chris’ first interview on Diabetics Doing Things from March 2019, I highly recommend you check it out.

Chris flips the script on me a bit in this interview and puts me on the hot seat, asking me questions like “What’s your biggest struggle?” and “What’s the most painful thing you’ve ever experienced?” and I discuss 3 things I’ve never really discussed publicly. Chris and I then shift over to the topic of authenticity and vulnerability in the age of social media and Chris tells us a story he’s never told publicly before. You DO NOT want to miss this interview and if you somehow have not come across Chris Ruden to this point you are missing out. Chris is the truest example of “Don’t judge a book by its cover” that I’ve come across in my life, and I’m grateful for his time and contributions to Diabetics Doing Things.

Quick reminder, Chris also appeared on the JDRF Dallas Panel in 2019 which was our first live podcast, so while you’re looking for more Chris Ruden content to binge, check it out.

Episode 121 - Diabetics Doing Conferences with Austin Fuerst


Austin Fuerst (@everyday_T1D on Instagram) and I sat down for a chat on the event floor of the American Association of Diabetes Educators 2019 conference in Houston Texas.

Austin has been T1D for 21 years, and has been sharing his Diabetes journey through Instagram since 2016. He and I both live in Dallas Texas and have been side by side at many events in Dallas over the years. I give him a hard time, but I really see him as a little brother, a very kind, thoughtful young man with a heart for helping people with Diabetes.

In this interview we dig in to what it’s like to be behind the scenes at large events like this, and goals Austin has for the Diabetes community and share some funny stories along the way. Be sure to give him a follow on Instagram.

This episode is sponsored by Skin Grip. Visit www.theskingrip.com and use code DDT at checkout to save 15% on Skin Grip adhesives! Support T1D founders, and support companies who support T1D Initiatives. I love Skin Grip so if you try it, let me know what you think!

Episode 120 - Diabetics Doing GlucoseZone with Charlie O'Connell

Charlie O’Connell (@Type1CEO on Instagram) is the CEO and founder of GlucoseZone, the first exercise program designed for people living with Diabetes.

Charlie takes us through his life as an athlete, both before and after he was diagnosed. He takes us through what it was like going through his first college football season at the University of Pennsylvania, because it was also his first season with Type-1 Diabetes.

Charlie and I share war stories about being athletes, and share many philosophies on competition, preparation, etc., but what’s most interesting to me is Charlie’s story as a Type 1 Diabetic entrepreneur.

After leaving his job, Charlie went to Africa on a mission to “find himself” he had no way of knowing it would lead him to his true purpose, to help people with Diabetes find success in exercise and fitness.

That led Charlie on a wild journey to found Fitscript, which has evolved into GlucoseZone. Check out Charlie’s story and let us know what you think!

GlucoseZone has sponsored this podcast, and is offering listeners a 7-day Free Trial of the entire GlucoseZone platform when you use code: ROBHOWE. Check them out!

Episode 119 - Diabetics Doing Stoicism with Chris Ruden

Chris Ruden (@ChrisRuden on Instagram) joins the podcast for his first solo interview, and he and Rob discuss their approaches to life, Diabetes, comparison, and social media as it relates to stoicism and stoic philosophy.

Chris Ruden is a public speaker, fitness coach, holds National and State Records for powerlifting, has lived with Diabetes for 9 years, and was born with a disability which up until recently, he hid from the world. He discusses how his life has changed over the years and how stoicism, vulnerability and mindset allowed him to make the changes that powered him to where he is today.

Chris was recently on season 1 of Dwayne The Rock Johnson’s TV series “The Titan Games,” and his video on The Rock’s Instagram has been viewed over 5.4 million times. He’s a super inspiring guy and I hope you enjoy my great conversation about stoicism and life with Chris Ruden.