Episode 280 - Misdiagnosis and Living with LADA with Mila Clarke

In this episode of Diabetics Doing Things, Mila Clarke shares her personal journey of significant life changes, including career shifts, personal challenges, a re-diagnosis of LADA, and the passing of her mother due to diabetes-related complications. She discusses finding herself, managing diabetes, and embracing a new path forward. The episode also delves into the challenges of burnout, building a support system, navigating changes in diabetes diagnosis, and the importance of representation in the diabetes community.

Topics discussed:

  1. Mila's Personal Journey including leaving her job to focus on Hangry Woman full-time

  2. Career Shift and Health Coaching: Transition from a marketer to a health coach

  3. Bridging the gap between fear of eating and enjoying meals

  4. Importance of Self-Care and Boundaries: Prioritizing self-care to avoid burnout

  5. Support System in Content Creation: Managing overwhelm by acknowledging limitations

  6. The role of support team members in providing feedback and managing projects

  7. Navigating Changes in Diabetes Diagnosis: Transition from type 2 to type 1 diabetes diagnosis

  8. Representing Diverse Voices in the Diabetes Community: Importance of diversity representation and transparency in collaborations

  9. Kindness, Respect, and Accountability: Impact of chronic illness on behavior and comparison culture

  10. Addressing misconceptions about online personas and supporting creators

  11. Building a Supportive Diabetes App

Key takeaways:

  • Embracing personal growth amidst challenges and life changes

  • Prioritizing self-care, setting boundaries, and recognizing emotional well-being

  • Navigating career shifts and advocating for representation in the diabetes community

  • Building a supportive community and offering personalized health support through technology

  • Upholding kindness, respect, and accountability in online interactions and content creation


00:00  Celebrating Diabetes Stories Worldwide
00:02  The Evolution of Mila Clarke: Navigating Life Changes and Diabetes Management
04:15  From Marketer to Health Coach: A Journey of Personal and Professional Growth
08:16  Learning to Set Boundaries and Prioritize Self-Care: A Journey of Self-Discovery and Growth
12:16  Navigating Burnout and Building a Support System in Content Creation
17:26  Navigating a Diabetes Diagnosis Change: Impact on Community, Relationships, and Advocacy
23:49  Navigating a New Diagnosis and its Impact on Personal Branding
28:04  Breaking Barriers and Building Bridges in the Diabetes Community
32:36  Debunking Myths and Realities of Being a Successful Black Woman Entrepreneur
42:36  Embracing Kindness and Abundance in a World of Competition
52:36  Navigating Social Media Etiquette and Misconceptions as a Creator
55:53  Navigating Online Criticism and Embracing the Journey to Success in Content Creation
01:02:49  Revolutionizing Diabetes Support with a Unique Pocket Guide App
01:06:10  Empowering Diabetes Management through Personalized Support and Community Connection
01:09:21  Building a Supportive Community Beyond Social Media Platforms
01:14:05  Empowering Health and Support Through a Unique Approach
01:17:12  The Value of Ads and Support in Providing Free Content and Services