Episode 066 - Diabetics Doing Comedy with Craig Rowin — Diabetics Doing Things

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Episode 066 - Diabetics Doing Comedy with Craig Rowin

Diabetics Doing Comedy with Craig Rowin
Diabetics Doing Things Podcast

Earlier this summer, a few of my improv friends who are T1D mentioned they heard Craig Rowin (@craigrowin on Instagram) on the Improv4Humans podcast talk about his recent T1D Diagnosis. (Disclaimer: Lots of adult content on this episode of Improv4Humans so only listen if you're 18+, Craig's story starts at 12:55).

With actual proof that the world is super super small, Sarah from the Diabetics Doing Things team reached out to Craig in LA and he agreed to do an interview. 

Craig and I talk about his diagnosis in his early 30's, adjusting to life with T1D, and then proceed to riff and do bits for the rest of the interview. Craig was super kind to devote time to do the interview and I'm really grateful to be able to publish this very funny interview.