Episode 161 - En Español with Jorge Esquivel Ruiz

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Jorge Esquivel Ruiz has been a longtime follower and listener of Diabetics Doing Things. So when he sent Rob a message on Instagram in November 2020 that said there was a clear lack of Spanish-speaking countries represented on the podcast, we felt the need to act quickly.

Jorge lives in a small town in Mexico, and talks about the challenges people with Diabetes in Mexico who do not live near a big city face not only with Diagnosis, but also with ongoing management of their supplies. In this episode we discuss:

  • The challenges rural communities in Mexico face with healthcare

  • How what is considered affordable for Americans is often too expensive for Mexican people

  • The truth about Mexico’s pharmacies for Mexican citizens

  • Jorge’s diagnosis story

  • Diabetes Community in Mexico

  • Jorge answers Rob’s famous “Airport” question in Spanish with help from Eritrea.

Do you live with Diabetes and speak Spanish as your primary language? We want to hear from you. Please contact us if you would like to share your story in Spanish.